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Why Kindness Is Good For You | David Hamilton

By November 17, 2017January 28th, 2021No Comments

Be Kind to Yourself

The path to rediscovering our best selves invariably means rediscovering how to be kind to ourselves. Be kind and thoughtful with what you put in your body, thought patterns, how much sleep you have, creating time and space to allow yourself to breathe. Richness of mind will come.

Be Kind To Others – Always, Unfailingly.

One of the most impactful ways to increase kindness levels in your world is to proactively be kind to others.  So please focus on the below as equally as your journey of kindness to yourself.

Kindness Benefits

Did you know Kindness slows aging, cures depression, improves relationships, lowers risk of heart disease and has a raft of other benefits not least of which it\’s deliciously contagious so spreads goodness and happiness like wildfire? Kindness and being kind is just fabulous, a basic human mind state and we should all do a whole lot more of it.

Start here with this wonderful book.

The Official Book Blurb for Why Kindness Is Good For You by David Hamilton

Scientific evidence has proven that kindness changes the brain, impacts the heart and immune system, and may even be an antidote to depression. We’re actually genetically wired to be kind. In this book, inspirational ex-scientist David Hamilton shows that kindness has evolved in us and thus its effects are felt daily throughout our nervous systems. When we’re kind, our bodies are healthiest. This groundbreaking book is filled with fascinating new discoveries, including: how kindness developed in our genes; that love and kindness can make a damaged heart regenerate faster; how kindness and compassion alter the neural structures of our brains; and that gratitude can make you at least 25 per cent happier. This unique book fuses scientific research around being kind with inspirational real life examples of kindness from ordinary people. Reading these stories will nourish your soul and leave you with renewed optimism for the future, and this book will help you see the many levels on which taking the time to make a difference could transform your health – and your whole world.


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