Bianca delivers her Energy-Scape™ methodology through workshops, events or executive 121 coaching.
Enabling you to reconnect with your inner child, honour your values, pursue your passions and find purpose, fulfilment and joy in every area of your life. Assuming health, wealth and happiness are your desires, Bianca will help you succeed every which way and more.
Whether you are looking to elevate your impact in the world into stratospheric realms or seeking inner tranquillity along your life journey, Bianca will guide you to unlock your best self by stimulating intentionality, new perspectives and actions in delicate honour of your personal values. Become fulfilled in an unprecedented way. Initially meet for 90 mins, then continue at a frequency to be agreed with regular 60 minute sessions.
You will be propelled forwards and upwards and life will rapidly feel beautifully transformed.
”The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed
Carl Jung
Discover the Energy-Scape™ Model
Embrace your personal Productivity Balance System by examining and honouring your personal energetic flow; what energises you, drains you and how to tune in to your highest vitality. Together we’ll explore the following crucial elements of your individual optimal flow and identify how to avoid committing energy crimes:-
SLEEP – is it restorative or fitful?
DIET – how nutritionally fuelled and balanced are you?
FAKE ENERGY – is your functionality based on borrowed stimulus?
RELAXATION – how do you bake in mindful R&R?
EXTREME PRODUCTIVITY – is there any element of over exercise, over work, over thinking or over doing in your bountiful life?
EMOTIONAL STRESS – are there any hefty burdens weighing heavy on your shoulders impacting clarity detrimentally?
Growth always begins from within. Understand the delicate nature and richness of your polarities, how to identify and honour your values, learn to observe your mind, detach from ego and how to introduce consciousness as an intrinsic, revelatory aspect of your daily life.
Every transformational journey includes a stage of shedding that which drains you. Learn to recognise what is failing to serve you positively and how to eliminate it from your life. From excess stimulus, to people, to habits Bianca will help you objectively evaluate where spiritual, mental, emotional or physical clutter busting will enhance your happiness and productivity.
Learn how to responsibly achieve balance and success by consciously committing to strategic action. Understand the power of decision and the empowerment that intentionality brings. Learn how to harness habits for exceptional living – create routines that move you towards your goals shifting you into unconscious competence rapidly.
There are both neurological and psychological benefits to entering states of free flowing fun and creativity. From eradicating depression to ‘faking it to make it’ learn how to to raise your magnetism, positivity and overall joie de vivre simply through Play. Reconnect with your inner child when hedonistic pursuits were inspiring, propelling and made every moment an adventure. Respect the uplifting effect of regularly reaching states of ‘create and produce’ and consciously plan in fun, frivolity, downtime and laughter therapy into your life and unleash new levels of abundance in every area of life.
If every moment should be so beautiful it’s worth remembering you need to focus on what, why and how. This is where enrichment comes in. Life offers so much opportunity for invigoration. From endless learning potential, to kindness, to retreats, to conscious thought, discover new ways to enrich your life. In relationships explore the transformational power of empathic listening, in your career learn how to ensure your work is indeed your passion seeing you 100% connected to your output. Find your why in everything you do and honour it. Once you achieve this level of inspired awareness there won’t be any more segregation and need for balance pursuit as work and play will be one beautiful, continuous blend of pure, harmonious living.
”One day at a time, this is enough. Do not look back and be troubled about the future for it is yet to come. Live in the moment and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering