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The Power of Habit | Charles Duhigg

By May 9, 2017January 28th, 2021No Comments

Change your habits, change your life.  It’s simple and just takes some conscious effort.

The Power of Habit – My Personal View

Having read lots of habit transformation books over the years this is my favourite and I’m now six months sober and off sugar and caffeine after years of dabbling with quitting prior to reading this book.  It’s a logical, practical and evidence based overview of the neuroscience of habits.  I found it useful and comprehensive.  Particularly interesting is how the cereal advertisers in the 50s created our hideous breakfast cereal culture. Shameful and the tip of the iceberg in terms of influencers triggering societal behavioural change, but that’s a whole other book and debate.  Back to Duhigg, I’ve followed the principles to create my own desired, new/better habits and kick the baddies. This logical approach seriously works.

The Official The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg Book Blurb

In The Power of Habit, award-winning New York Times business reporter Charles Duhigg takes us to the thrilling edge of scientific discoveries that explain why habits exist and how they can be changed. With penetrating intelligence and an ability to distill vast amounts of information into engrossing narratives, Duhigg brings to life a whole new understanding of human nature and its potential for transformation.

Along the way we learn why some people and companies struggle to change, despite years of trying, while others seem to remake themselves overnight. We visit laboratories where neuroscientists explore how habits work and where, exactly, they reside in our brains. We discover how the right habits were crucial to the success of Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, and civil-rights hero Martin Luther King, Jr. We go inside Procter & Gamble, Target superstores, Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church, NFL locker rooms, and the nation’s largest hospitals and see how implementing so-called keystone habits can earn billions and mean the difference between failure and success, life and death.

At its core, The Power of Habit contains an exhilarating argument: The key to exercising regularly, losing weight, raising exceptional children, becoming more productive, building revolutionary companies and social movements, and achieving success is understanding how habits work.

Habits aren’t destiny. As Charles Duhigg shows, by harnessing this new science, we can transform our businesses, our communities, and our lives.


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Bianca Best

Author Bianca Best

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